Customized Automatic Assembly Machine Service Since 2007 - Yicheng Automation
The target market of our brand has been continuously developed over the years. Now, we want to expand the international market and confidently push our brand to the world.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policies and Guidelines
Our company and all management recognize that the company needs to be committed to promoting sustainable development and work together with employees and their families, communities, and society to improve the quality of life of all members and continuously improve the working environment of all members.
Our company and all management agree that corporate responsibility is an indispensable part of corporate operations, and through the implementation of sustainable strategies, we will bring stable and sustainable value to shareholders and relevant parties involved in the company's operations.
Our company appoints a dedicated person to be responsible for social responsibility management, establishes, implements, and maintains a good social responsibility management mechanism, and extends this requirement to the supply chain and other business partners.